Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Manic!Entry is Manic

Do you know what's worse than being stupid? Being blissfully, ignorantly happy about being stupid. This morning I stopped to at the Dunkin Donuts drive thru to grab a mocha on my way to work (they INSIST on calling it a "mocha latte" which is just DUMB because a mocha and a latte are two different drinks and forcing me to say "mocha latte" seriously offends my barista sensibilities). The guy at the window hands me a giant iced mocha even though I'd said I wanted a hot one (DD also tends to do this, they always just assume I want an iced drink instead of a hot drink, which again offends my barista sensibilities because to me unless you specifically say "iced", coffee and tea drinks are hot by default). This alone isn't stupid, I understand that mistakes happen and sometimes you mishear an order. The problem is that after I pointed this out and he walked away to make the drink I'd actually ordered, I decided I was running late enough already and couldn't wait for a new drink. The little glass window at the drive thru had already slammed shut so I tried to wave at him to come back - and he stood there with this dopey smile AND WAVED BACK AT ME. Seriously? Then he gives me this "one minute" gesture, points out that he's making my drink, AND THEN PROCEEDS TO STARE BLANKLY AT THE WALL. Really? C'mon guy, get a clue - why do you think I'm waving my arms around like a lunatic? Did you think I was landing a fighter jet? Perhaps the rhythm had suddenly got me and I was doing the YMCA? NO! I had to resort to banging on the little metal window ledge to finally get him to come back. And I had to bang HARD* and it hurt my hand and that is just NOT how I want to start my day, thank you! And the most obnoxious part of the experience was that he had this stupid, dopey smile on his face the whole time! I am by nature kind of a curmudgeonly little asshole, so it bothers me enough when people are overly cheerful, but to be overly cheerful AND stupid just makes me want to slap you.

In other news, when I got to work this morning and went to make a phone call a spider jumped out of the receiver. A SPIDER. I think it was a spider, it could have been some other kind of bug with a lot of legs, either way - the possible spider creature is no more. I didn't even scream or anything. Go me.

Now I have to go put things in numerical order. Lovely.

*that's what she said

1 comment:

  1. You wrote this a week ago and I only read it now! I'm a terrible person! Also, I've not been very good about checking my blogroll. Never again I say, never again! Also, here's a question that I think I've asked you before but either the answer wasn't acceptable or I've forgotten: what do you call a chocolate-flavored latte?!
