Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Serious Discussion

YouTube always picks the weirdest screenshots to use for my videos...

1 comment:

  1. Picking a winner! Yes, I did google "euphemisims for picking your nose." The pickings were slim. (PUN!)

    ALSO, I completely forgot to tell you about the kid I saw whilst driving the other day. Okay, he was like 15 and in a yarmulke and rather formal clothing and he was with some similarly yarmulked and formally clothed friends but he was walking in front of them by a bit. He proceeded to pick his nose (just kind of the edge of the inside of the nostril which is allowable I think) BUT THEN he munched it. Yeah.

    And yes again, I did google "Jewish hat" to figure out how to spell that. My first instinct was yamukah because that it far more phonetic.
