I'm nearly two weeks into this online dating thing and so far - not all that impressed. It's not so much the guys (okay, maybe a little bit the guys), but a lot of my annoyance is with the site itself which keeps matching me up with guys that I clearly put down in my preferences as having no interest in (ie guys way too old for me and/or very far away - like in Indiana. Seriously? Indiana?!). The whole thing's just somewhat exhausting. Trying to e-mail someone you don't know and sound charming is way harder than you'd think. Plus skimming through all the guys you DON'T want to talk to is honestly kind of depressing. It makes me sound like a judgmental little bitch, but I spend a lot of time going through emails and profiles of guys thinking, "THESE are the guys who want to date me? What the hell does that say about ME? Ouch."
It's not that there's actually anything wrong with (most) of these guys, I'm just completely uninterested.
Maybe that makes me a terrible person, but that is kind of what these sites are for - being picky and choosy and judgemental - which is a lot easier to do on the internet than at a bar. It's easier to put yourself out there when you don't actually have to look a person in the eye, just like it's easier to say, "Oh, hell no!" when you don't ACTUALLY have to respond to cheesy come-ons. Not to mention most of the guy I've attempted to contact haven't responded, so who knows what they're secretly thinking when they see my profile.
I guess it's really just a numbers game. You put yourself in this HUGE pool of people, the odds are you're going to get more misses than hits.
Maybe this whole thing would be easier if I had a couple of drinks before checking my email...
Meanwhile, at least the cute boy at Wawa flirts with me when I get my iced tea in the morning. Not a bad way to start a day.
You should try the book-dating site!!!!!!! Also, I wish that I had something meaningful to say other than "You have to sift through a lot of losers." But yeah, that's about it. You should keep up with it though!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'll ask Danielle how many duds she had before finding her husband to try and give you some perspective.